Donna Valentine
Musician • Songwriter • Author
Read what she has to say!

This is a magical story about a lesson in life that the author gleaned from an old, wise, majestic tree while in the forest on a walk one day. This inspired message unfolds through the lush pages of beautiful forest scenery while it imparts a gentle, yet profound message to all who read it. Delightful and charming, this story will warm your heart with its simple lesson, delivered in a way that all audiences can understand. The Wisdom Tree’s pictures and message are an engaging little journey with nuggets of wisdom that little readers can learn, and big readers can re-learn. The story can help facilitate discussion about ways we can all deal with the good- and the not so good- that life can bring.
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E-Chapter Available
E-Books are in the making.
The Protector
The first release of material from the upcoming book, A Lesson in a Higher Love.
This eChapter reflects the fashion–and passion–of Donna’s writing. This ‘first sip’ gives you an idea of the depth of the concepts she will be discussing, and the depth of her own self-discovery work as she reveals layer upon layer of resistance to new thoughts. The type of new thoughts that eventually changed her world!
A quick read at just 11 pages–but still reaching the depths needed to get a glimpse into a stubborn first line of defense of the ego.