You Are Cape-able!

You Are Cape-able!

People that want to change other people or manipulate people and situations, have no power. True power can only come when you are “other minded” and in the field- the Quantum Field of energy, or the Unseen. The power to create lies in The Field, because The Field is...
Is it True?

Is it True?

There’s not much truth out there. I can’t be sure what I read is true. I can’t be sure what I am told is the truth. What I see with my eyes may not even be true. Even though I’ve been aware of it occurring for most of my adult life, there is...
My New Personality

My New Personality

Many people want a new personal reality. They survive the same old same old, day after day after day, and nothing ever changes. But they wish for more. So I was in good company doing the same with The Conscious Masses. I wanted change, but didn’t know how to...
The Truth About Codependent Relationships

The Truth About Codependent Relationships

The co-dependent relationships you hear people talk about a lot these days are actually co-conditional love relationships. The belief underlying this is, “I am not whole. I think I need you to be whole. I think you can provide my happiness.” But then...
I Am Not Afraid of the Dark

I Am Not Afraid of the Dark

I remember being afraid of the dark when I was a child. I liked to sleep with a nightlight. There have also been times as an adult that I was extremely scared in the dark. One was in Timpanogos Cave in Salt Lake City. The guide turned the light out so we could...