The Light at the End of the Tunnel

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

My mom had a near death experience (NDE) when I was ten. She spoke reverently about the “light at the end of the tunnel.” She said it was the brightest light she’d ever seen, but yet when she looked at it it didn’t dazzle her. She said she felt...
Take No Prisoners

Take No Prisoners

I was talking with a friend today who exclaimed, “Why do I do this? I have done it so many times before. When I knew a relationship was over, but I let it go on for far too long! I know what the truth is, but I don’t want to hurt [the other person].”...
Armistice Day

Armistice Day

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 a cessation of hostilities took place ending World War I. President Woodrow Wilson declared this Armistice Day and it was celebrated as such until a veteran named Weeks fought for and gained a change in 1954...
Spirals and Existence

Spirals and Existence

Everything is in motion. Even when I am sitting at my desk, with my feet on the floor, life is being experienced, unconsciously, as movement. The earth spins on its axis. The earth orbits around the sun. The sun and the whole galaxy are continuously accelerating. So...
You Have Power

You Have Power

Power that creates worlds Power that destroys worlds Power that unifies Power that separates Power that expands Power that contracts We all use one or the other. Every day. Only you know which power you are using. Some call it Fear and Love. Only I can plug into the...