by DonnaValentine | Sep 12, 2016 | Donnas Slides
Everything is in motion. Even when I am sitting at my desk, with my feet on the floor, life is being experienced, unconsciously, as movement. The earth spins on its axis. The earth orbits around the sun. The sun and the whole galaxy are continuously accelerating. So...
by DonnaValentine | Jul 13, 2016 | Donnas Slides
Today—this morning to be exact—I realized something important. I now wake up in the mornings with new thoughts. This never used to happen just even a couple/few years ago. I woke up in the same body, in the same thoughts, same beliefs. Same life. But I actually have...
by DonnaValentine | Apr 11, 2016 | Donnas Slides
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ― Albert Einstein I am going to attempt to explain Dark Energy/Dark Matter (DE/DM) in a simple way. I am not a physicist or a mathematician. Einstein was not best known for his...
by DonnaValentine | Mar 2, 2016 | Donnas Slides
There’s a good reason why the Bible says “Do not fear”, and other such statements, more than any other advice in the entire text. God knew it would be our biggest obstacle to knowing Him/Her. See, we are raised in, domesticated by, and entrenched in...
by DonnaValentine | Nov 13, 2015 | Donnas Slides
Part Three of a Three Part Series~ Please click here to read Part Two! Why, though. Why would all of this be true? Isn’t it easier to trust in what I see? Simple answer—no. It only appeared to be easier because that’s how I’ve always done it. So...