by DonnaValentine | Apr 25, 2017 | Donnas Slides
There’s not much truth out there. I can’t be sure what I read is true. I can’t be sure what I am told is the truth. What I see with my eyes may not even be true. Even though I’ve been aware of it occurring for most of my adult life, there is...
by DonnaValentine | Apr 21, 2017 | Donnas Slides
I’m really getting good at doing the CSI work on my old, dead ways. Ways that I was told would bring me happiness. I speak a lot about what I call the Conscious Masses Mindset -vs- the Mind of God. I also use the phrases the Way of the World -vs- Way of the...
by DonnaValentine | Mar 31, 2017 | Donnas Slides
Many people want a new personal reality. They survive the same old same old, day after day after day, and nothing ever changes. But they wish for more. So I was in good company doing the same with The Conscious Masses. I wanted change, but didn’t know how to...
by DonnaValentine | Jan 20, 2017 | Donnas Slides
REVIVE SURVIVE DEVIVE All come from within. All are choices we make internally, which cannot be made for us! Most survive. This is the the Status Quo. Circumstances happen to us that don’t kill us, and we learn to join the masses and just survive. And maybe...
by DonnaValentine | Sep 23, 2016 | Donnas Slides
I am learning about masculine and feminine energies. This was brought out in a profound way through my life recently, through a trip to Disneyland! I had lunch with the Princesses for my granddaughter’s 3rd birthday. This trip came at a great time when I have...