by DonnaValentine | Sep 23, 2016 | Donnas Slides
I am learning about masculine and feminine energies. This was brought out in a profound way through my life recently, through a trip to Disneyland! I had lunch with the Princesses for my granddaughter’s 3rd birthday. This trip came at a great time when I have...
by DonnaValentine | Jul 13, 2016 | Donnas Slides
Today—this morning to be exact—I realized something important. I now wake up in the mornings with new thoughts. This never used to happen just even a couple/few years ago. I woke up in the same body, in the same thoughts, same beliefs. Same life. But I actually have...
by DonnaValentine | Apr 11, 2016 | Donnas Slides
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” ― Albert Einstein I am going to attempt to explain Dark Energy/Dark Matter (DE/DM) in a simple way. I am not a physicist or a mathematician. Einstein was not best known for his...
by DonnaValentine | Jan 18, 2016 | Donnas Slides
Conscious Masses Mindset (CMM) That is my name for the “Way of the World.” A consciousness that has been passed down since the dawn of man. A domestication process (or de-mystification process, as I like to call it) we all go through to have any form of...
by DonnaValentine | Nov 13, 2015 | Donnas Slides
Part Three of a Three Part Series~ Please click here to read Part Two! Why, though. Why would all of this be true? Isn’t it easier to trust in what I see? Simple answer—no. It only appeared to be easier because that’s how I’ve always done it. So...